While the Metropolitans’ quest to claim the NL East crown is delayed for another day, thanks to Ronny Paulino’s 9th inning double off Aaron Heilman last night in Pittsburgh, the New York Times’ Murray Chass has more pressing matters to attend to.

With the Mets headed for the playoffs, their theme song, œMeet the Mets, will very likely get more than a few plays. A Mets fan, Jill Rosenfeld, attended a recent game and got to thinking about the tune.

œIt™s outdated, she wrote in an e-mail message, œto say nothing of not being politically correct.

œThe phrase ˜bring your wife™ no longer truly reflects the audience. Many of us ˜wives™ are fans in our own right. Many people now have partners of either sex. People also like to go to the games with their friends.

Rosenfeld suggested a change in the lyrics, from œBring your kiddies, bring your wife/Guaranteed to have the time of your life to œBring your kiddies, bring your mate/Guaranteed to have a time that is great.

She said that a songwriter could do a better job, but her lyrics sound good to these ears.

Steve “Boogie” Brown (above) was unavailable for comment.