Norv Turner, 9-23 in two seasons leading the Oakland Raiders (1-11 in the AFC West) is the latest NFL coach to find himself unemployed.

In the wake of Notre Dame’s beating at the hands of Ohio State in yesterday’s Fiesta Bowl, The Hater Nation lays into the universe’s most revered coach.

You just cannot give Charlie Weis four weeks to prepare for an opponent. You just can™t. Because Weis is going to spend too much of that time at the local pizza parlor and not enough time actually preparing for his football game.

Weis was brought to Notre Dame for two reasons. The first was to beat USC. The second was to win a BCS bowl game and stop the school™s long record of futility in recent bowl games. Weis has failed in both accounts”as Notre Dame extended its record-tying bowl losing streak to eight games.

Look for Weis to get another contract extension if he sets the record next year.