(Soriano returns from the DL to give the Cubs a much needed bat after
they failed to post 20 runs in a 19-5 win over the Brewers without him)

During the Cubs 19-5 laugher over the Brewers last night, ESPN kindly gave us some shots of prospective Cubs owner Mark Cuban enjoying the game while ESPN’s news crawl announced his head coach for the Mavericks was let go. There’s nothing like a boss who ducks out the office the day you’re fired. Chris DeLuca of The Sun-Times reports that one hold up in selling the Cubs is the accounting “ that is, nobody at the Trib Co. is quite ready to open up the company books. Surprise! DeLuca also theorizes that Cuban is in the running no matter which baseball owners like him, since Sam Zell is $12.8 billion in debt and Cuban will certainly be one of the top offers.


(Milwaukee fans, sorry, they’re not going anywhere)

ESPN also mentioned repeatedly “ apparently there wasn’t enough action from multiple HR Soto or Lee to report “ that the North Siders posted a franchise record 17 wins in April. “If you multiply six times 17, you’ll have a pretty good year,” Lou Piniella told the Tribune’s Paul Sullivan, reminding Cub fans of baseball’s traditional, and inconvenient, six-month season, while they argue about the proper temperature to chill champagne in October. “That’s 102 victories by anyone’s calculation,” Sullivan told his readers “ unless it’s the Tribune circulation department, in which case it’s closer to 400. Or how about this math: the Cardinals set their own club record this month, winning 18. If you multiply that six times …

***Update: I thought I made my point clear enough. Then Kerry Wood forcibly brought Wrigleyville back to reality this afternoon by giving up a 2-run lead in the 9th to give the Brewers a 4-3 win, thus placing the Cubs in 2nd place behind the Cardinals before their first 2008 series in Wrigley this weekend. Zambrano goes 6 and 1/3, Marmol follows thru the 8th, and Wood “ still unsure of his new closer role until he gets his theme music in place “ blows it. Not that Soriano and Fukudome’s blown defensive plays in the 9th should be excluded from blame, but please explain to me: how is it Wood gets away with his Cubs career yet Jacque Jones and LaTroy Hawkins get booed until they’re traded?***