Unwanted attention is perhaps the biggest reason for the Patriots to stay away from Tebow. Wherever he goes, the media circus follows. If you’re like me, you hate seeing something about Tebow in nearly every segment of SportsCenter. If he blows his nose, the media will report it. Meanwhile, events like Velasquez’s KO of “Bigfoot” Silva to keep his UFC belt and the entire NHL playoffs go unnoticed. The Patriots already tested the media circus with WR Chad Ochocinco, but even he can’t come close to the commotion that Tebow would cause. Ochocinco only attracted the media when he did or tweeted something outrageous, but the media follows Tebow like a hawk no matter what. Although he doesn’t encourage the media following, he hasn’t necessarily done anything to stop it either. The last thing the Patriots want is constant media attention. So to all those Tebow fans out there, keep dreaming if you ever want to see him in a Patriots uniform – Tim Dillon, Musketfire.com, “Tim Tebow Will Never Be A New England Patriot”, June 8, 2013