As mentioned previously, Pro Football Talk has been all over the Larry Zierlein mass carbon copy story, and yesterday, PFT received a particularly pointed response from Buffalo OL coach Alex Van Pelt (above, left), whom they’d ID as one of the recipients of the allegedly “hardcore” video.

“I do not understand why my name was mentioned in the article regarding Larry Zerlein’s [sic] apology. There had to be 40 other names in the forwarded e-mail. Is it because I went to Pitt? I only went to Pitt because WVU would not offer me a scholarship. I would have been thrilled to be a Mountianeer [sic].

“Anyway, I feel like that was a personnel [sic] attack on me for absolutely no reason.”

In fairness, I think the other 39 names should be released. Along with a link to the video. And to Van Pelt’s credit, at least he didn’t play the “I don’t even know how these computers work” card ala Zierlein.