Would you settle for Roger Cedeno Driving School?   How about, “It’s 10pm, Do You Know Where Your Children Are (Because Paul Lo Duca Is Especially Interested In One Of Them”)?

 Commissioner elect Rob Manfred announced a near-total overhaul of baseball’s hierarchy, replacing seven of the eight members of the powerful executive council, with Cardinals general partner Bill DeWitt (not coincidentally his biggest supporter in last summer’s contentious election process) the lone holdover. Forming the new executive council are Yankees general partner Hal Steinbrenner, Twins owner Jim Pohlad, Rays owner Stu Sternberg, Rangers co-chairman Ray Davis, Pirates owner Bob Nutting, Braves chairman Terry McGuirk and Cubs owner Tom Ricketts. Among those coming off the council are White Sox board chairman Jerry Reinsdorf, Red Sox owner John Henry and Reds owner Bob Castellini, all of whom — perhaps also not coincidentally — opposed Manfred last summer. In addition, two longtime Selig allies — Mets owner Fred Wilpon and Royals owner David Glass — came off the council but were appointed as chairmen of two important committees — Glass for business and Wilpon for finance. Manfred also appointed new Padres chairman Ron Fowler to head up the labor committee.

Bill Madden, NY Daily News, January 17, 2015