No, it’s not another lineup change meant to deflect the fact that the band’s been horrible since Diamond Dave left. It’s more serious than that: former TV “star” Valerie Bertinelli (second from left) is finally divorcing Eddie Van Halen, after being separated since 2001 (from the Associated Press):

“Yes, that’s true. They have been separated for four years and it’s amicable,” Bertinelli spokeswoman Heidi Schaeffer told The Associated Press. She said the actress would have no further comment.

A divorce petition that Bertinelli, 45, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Monday cited irreconcilable differences.

No mention of how the breakup will affect their now 14-year-old son, Wolfgang. We’ll keep you posted. By the way, gotta hand it to AP for this last, factually-reported tidbit:

The group was known for wild excess both on and offstage in its early years.