With memories of Pau Gasol’s broken foot suffered during the ’06 World Championships at the least in the back of his churning mind, Mavs owner Mark Cuban will wait for Jason Kidd and Dirk Nowitzki to return from the Beijing Summer Games, hopeful that neither will get hurt while on his payroll. “I hate the fact that we lie to ourselves and pretend this is about representing country,” Cuban tells the Dallas Morning News’ David Moore. “It’s not. It’s about money.”

“It’s not that I don’t like the idea of them representing their countries,” Cuban said by e-mail. “If the Olympics were truly a nationalistic endeavor built on sport and part of the public domain, I would be willing to take risk and support their playing. What I don’t like is that we lie to ourselves and pretend that the Olympians represent our country.”

“They don’t. They have taken relatively low paying jobs working for the Olympics, who in turn sell the broadcast and marketing rights for billions of dollars in profits, all the while creating enormous risk for those of us who pay them for their day jobs that support their families. It’s amazing how players who are free agents won’t participate, but those with guaranteed contracts will.”

Is Cuban disappointed that Nowitzki and Kidd have chosen this path or does he understand?

“I understand completely, I just disagree,” Cuban said. “As I mentioned, to me, the disturbing part is not just the financial risk we incur, with minimal upside, it’s the hypocrisy of it all.

“Can’t we just call it the GE Olympic Team?”

The first person who’d like to make a pitch for Jerome James on Team Wendy’s is officially excused from the CSTB comments for the next several ours.