(above : a man who is full of shit and thoroughly insensitive to the people of Little Havana. And on the left, Ozzie Guillen)

After telling a Time Magazine reporter he “loves” Fidel Castro, Marlins skipper Ozzie Guillen appeared on Univision earlier today, apologizing for his remarks. The prior interview, it seems, is thoroughly unconnected to Guillen’s comments in another publication in which he professed to drinking heavily after games, win or lose. From the Palm Beach Post’s Tom Deanglo :

“I am sure I’m against (the way) he thinks, the way he treats people and way he treats his country for a long time,” Guillen said. “I’m against that 100 percent. I’m not crazy or stupid or ignorant to say I love somebody. He not just hurt Cuban people he hurt a lot of people counting Venezuelans.

“Whoever got hurt or misunderstood or (took it) the way he wants to take it, I will apologize. I will apologize if I hurt somebodies feelings. I am against everything, 100 percent, why this man has been treating people for the last 60 years.”

Guillen, who is from Venezuela, is quoted in the article as saying: “I respect Fidel Castro. You know why? A lot of people have wanted to kill Fidel Castro for the last 60 years, but that (expletive) is still here.”

Guillen clarified today that he said he respects him as a man but not because of his politics.

“I said I respect this man because. … I respect (President) Obama, I respect (Venezuelan president Hugo) Chavez because I always respect people,” he said. “Meanwhile I disagree 100 percent what he is doing to the country.”

Guillen said he did not sleep last night for the first time because of something he said.

“If you read the article it sounds ugly because the first time I read it I was, ‘wow, that’s going to get me in trouble,’’’ Guillen said. “I understand that and I’m not hiding from anybody, especially the people in Miami.”