While the Arapahoe County Coroner considers the fatal gunshot wound to head of Broncos WR Kenny McKinley to be most likely self-inflicted, McKinley’s former teammate, Giants DB D.J. Johnson, has his doubts, telling Newsday’s Tom Rock, “knowing Kenny and knowing what type of guy he was and then having his son up there and the way he loved his son, I don™t think he would have did it.”

œI know what the environment is like in Denver, he said. œI knew Kenny and I knew the type of people that we all hung around. You just never know. You can™t trust nobody. He™s not from there, I wasn™t from there. Nothing against Kenny at all, but when you like to have a good time and you™re a friendly person, you let people into your environment.

œIn any environment when you have guys in our position who are out having fun, and we™re going to the same environments as normal people and some convicts, however it may happen, it™s going to be an issue, he said. œWe have the financial backing to be able to go in there, have a good time, buy some bottles and stuff like that. Then there are going to be others that are going to look at it, going to see the women gravitate to that, so they™re going to try to match you. Then you get into a pissing contest. And when you get into a pissing contest, people get upset.

Johnson said when he heard about McKinley™s death “ even before suicide was mentioned “ he immediately figured that kind of œpissing match had lead to the shooting.

œThere was no ˜Did he do it?™ Johnson said. œIt was just a thought that something happened, that somebody did something fishy.