Former Atlanta fireballer John Rocker’s inclusion in The Mitchell Report provided impetus for It’s Mets For Me to check out the erudite social critic’s new song at BurnLounge. Since, I’m more of a vinyl guy, I’ll give it a pass, but was able to find this fascinating editorial at John (alongside such other gems as “Proud To Be White” and “If You’re Going To Boycott Israel, Do It Properly”) :
We need to show more sympathy for these people.
- They travel miles in the heat.
- They risk their lives crossing a border.
- They don’t get paid enough wages.
- They do jobs that others won’t do or are afraid to do.
- They live in crowded conditions among a people who speak a different language.
- They rarely see their families, and they face adversity all day every day.
I’m not talking about illegal Mexicans; I’m talking about our troops!
Doesn’t it seem strange that many Democrats and Republicans are willing to lavish all kinds of social benefits on illegals, but don’t support our troops and are now threatening to de-fund them?
That DOES seem strange, John. I always wondered what kind of political views someone would have if their only news sources were bus ads for Ann Coulter books.
i guess this makes me a bad person, but im just impressed as hell that he wrote all that himself, maybe with Alicia Marie’s help, but still.
Don’t miss out on JROCKs musings over Muslims in America, which include a lovely multiple choice exam:
1. 1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by:
a. Superman
b. Jay Leno
c. Harry Potter
d Muslim male extremist between the ages of 17 and 40
Thanks CSTB–So many pearls to be found at! “Can A Muslim Become A Good American Citizen?” was a personal favorite, and a real treat to read.
Pass it on Fellow Americans. The religious war is bigger than we know or understand
Perhaps he could share his other thoughts on good citizenship with Sen. Mitchell?
9. In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by:
a. Richard Simmons
b. Grandma Moses
c. Michael Jordan
d Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
Unfortunately when I click on “Rocker Gear” there’s nothing to be found. I want nothing more for Christmas than a T-shirt with the official John Rocker Website Logo sprawling across my back.
Rocker is also culturally diverse and a good traveler:
“In my own personal experiences, I have lived abroad for over a year of my life, three different times in Puerto Rico and once in Venezuela. During my time in these countries, I did my best to speak their language even though my Spanish is barely adequate. I attempted to speak the language whenever the situation presented itself and worked to learn the language better in order to avoid the ‘ugly American’ stereotype. I went to numerous local holiday celebrations such as parties that centered on the Puerto Rican holiday “Three Kings Dayâ€, as well as numerous other festivals and gatherings. My life during my time abroad was certainly much easier trying to conform to local society rather than trying to make local society conform to me.”
This is up there with Gregg Zaun’s treatise on Windows Media Center, Vista Edition.