The New York Daily News’ Bob Raissman finds fault with WFAN editing an archived audio clip from earlier this week.   Hey, if the News columnist — or any other writer from the paper — made a glaring factual error in the print edition, can we assume a corrected version online would be accompanied by a link to the original gaffe?

Tuesday during a WFAN interview with Hall of Famer Phil Niekro. Joe Benigno asked Niekro how his “brother Joe” was doing.

“He had an aneurysm about a year and a half ago and died,” Niekro said. Joe Niekro, a two-time 20 game winner who recorded 221 career wins, died in 2006 of a brain aneurysm at the age of 61.

Benigno told Niekro, “I did not know that.” The talkie was embarrassed, but did not try to hide or cover his mistake.
Someone else did.

If you go to WFAN’s Web site, and click on Benigno/Roberts’ interview with Niekro, you won’t hear the exchange concerning Joe Niekro’s death. It was edited out of the interview.

The FANdroids would not do such a thing, would they? If they were inclined to be so embarrassed over a mistake – or bad radio – they would shut down WFAN’s transmitter from 6 a.m.- 10 a.m., Monday through Friday.

Ladies and gentlemen, that might be the closest thing to a major plug for Adam The Bull you’re gonna read anytime soon.