From CNN :
The editor of Golfweek magazine was replaced Friday after the publication’s January 19 issue featured a cover with a noose — referencing a controversial comment made earlier this month by a Golf Channel anchor regarding golfer Tiger Woods.
The new editor, Jeff Babineau, called the cover a “regretful error” in a magazine statement announcing that editor Dave Seanor has been replaced, effective immediately.
“We apologize for creating this graphic cover that received extreme negative reaction from consumers, subscribers and advertisers across the country,” said William P. Kupper Jr., president of Turnstile Publishing Co. “We were trying to convey the controversial issue with a strong and provocative graphic image. It is now obvious that the overall reaction to our cover deeply offended many people. For that, we are deeply apologetic.”
The cover, with a picture of a noose, says, “Caught in a noose: Tilghman slips up, and Golf Channel can’t wiggle free.”
Though the buck apparently stopped with Seanor, I have a sneaking suspicion there’s an art director out there who won’t be so quick to list recent experience at Golfweek on his resume.
From the always enlightening comments section at AOL Fanhouse, regarding the initial remark:
“Get off her back. Can their be no comment made without someone making it racial?”
I wonder if they set up a studio shot of a dramtically lit noose, or if that’s public domain.
One outraged person on ESPN yesterday wondered if a Golf Channel anchor had made a disparaging remark about a Jewish golfer, would Golfweek have put a gas chamber on the cover?
Sometimes it’s like Sarah Silverman hijacked the cue cards in Bristol, really. The battle for who can be more offended and/or come up with the clumsiest analogy is the one in which there are no real winners.
but anyway, the answer to the original question is easy : it doesn’t matter. Steve Lyons doesn’t work the PGA tour, so there’s nothing to worry about.