Richard Jefferson tried to illustrate the correlation between his not getting the ball and the T-Wolves running riot over the Nets last Wednesday night. Lawrence Frank didn’t take kindly to the assertion, and the Newark Star-Ledger’s Dave D’Allesandro observed a tense situation being diffused.

RJ pitched a bitch about the offense in the second quarter at Target, implying that he didn™t get enough touches after his 5-for-5 first quarter, and it was hard to misinterpret what he meant: œWe didn™t (go) through the people we should have, he said. œYou have to look at what . . .was successful, who was successful in that first quarter, and were we doing the same in the second quarter? We didn™t do that.

They weren™t defending either, but don™t change the subject.

Anyway, Frank asked him where it was all coming from, and RJ told him what he told us today:

œI wasn™t mad about shot attempts in that game, I was more mad about the flow we had in the game, he said. œWe had just lost three games in a row, we had another bad second quarter which was putting us down the last three games.

œHe just wanted to make sure we™re on the same page. I told him it wasn™t really the way it was put down, it wasn™t the way I meant. It was more the frustration of the last few games. And he was like, ˜Richard, I understand that.™ It was really no big deal.

The conversation took two minutes, he said, though it™s hard to imagine any conversation between these two lasting less than two hours.

Jefferson’s eloquence works against him in that way: Even when he™s being discreet, you tend to think he™s leaving something out “ in this case, a more pervasive dissatisfaction with his role.

He swears that isn™t true and dusted off Lecture 6-B yesterday, the one in which he is in a far better place than some All-Star stuck on a bad team, and how the Shareefs of this world would trade their careers for his in a heartbeat. And he concluded, fervently, with œI™m happy, I™m happy where I am.

Nice to have everybody happy.

Jefferson scored 30 points in the Nets’ 105-100 overtime win over Toronto this afternoon. Vince Carter added 31, and Jason Kidd had his third triple double of the season — the 72nd of his career, with 14 points, 13 rebounds and 15 assists. Though I didn’t think much for the Raptors’ lack of poise in the 4th quarter, I’m gonna think twice before sneering again at Toronto, who certainly have a brighter future than the Knicks (the same could be said of Peter Falk, however). If the Raptors manage to hang on to Chris Bosh and Mike James —- and the much maligned Charlie Villenueva continues to emerge , if nothing else Rob Babcock’s resume will look a little better.