Let it be noted that Darren Rovell is never smarter nor better looking than when he’s agreeing with me.  From the LA Daily News’ Tom Hoffarth :

Boston Celtics star Kevin Garnett, in a very emotional moment after the team clinched the NBA title over the Lakers on Tuesday, screamed in response to a question by ABC reporter Michele Tafoya: “Anything’s possible!”

To emphasize, he repeated it, looking to the sky: “Anything’s possibbbaaaaaawwwwww!”

CNBC reporter Darren Rovell doubts that it was all so spontaneous.

He points out that adidas’ slogan, “Impossible Is Nothing,” is what they’ve been using to push Garnett’s shoes in their ad campaign for the past few years.

Meaning, there’s reason to believe that Garnett, even after taking the long pause to gather himself, messed up what he really was trying to say.

The NY Daily News’ Mitch Lawrence warns the Lakers “need to make improvements in their rotation in order to win the West again.” They might also consider move Flea’s seats somewhere very far away from the TV cameras (though I’ve been saying the same thing about the Knicks and Mr & Mrs. Matthew Modine for years).

Turning 34 in August, point guard Derek Fisher should be no more than a backup at this stage of his career. Forward Vladimir Radmanovic shouldn’t be starting, either. Lamar Odom had a rocky Finals and could be on his way out.

Odom’s old team, Miami, is seen as one potential destination. Pat Riley has always loved Odom and had him for a season before using him as a piece to get Shaquille O’Neal from the Lakers in 2004.

As Bryant said an hour after losing to the Celtics, the Lakers need to develop into a better defensive team. “You can’t expect to win a championship by focusing on the offensive end,” he said.

Miami’s Shawn Marion would address some of those defensive concerns. He might also be a better fit than Odom when the Lakers start Bynum at center and Pau Gasol at power forward.

While their contracts don’t exactly match up (Marion makes $17 million next season and Odom is at $14.6 mil), a package deal involving those two players might work. They’re both entering the final season of their contracts.