…except the one thing she might actually be wanted to do.

From the Associated Press’ Donna Tommelleo.

Linda Tosetti (left), 51, and her three sisters are Ruth’s four surviving blood grandchildren. Their mother, Dorothy Ruth Pirone, who died in 1989 was Ruth’s only biological child.

Tosetti said the family has politely declined invitations from the San Francisco Giants to be on hand when Bonds finally draws even with her granddad.

“They’re a great organization and I really wanted to help them out. I said, `call me for anything else,'” Tosetti said. “I’m a pretty game gal. I’ve got a lot of my grandfather in me.”

Tosetti insists she has no malice toward Bonds, whom she’s never met.

“I can’t point a finger at Mr. Bonds. That’s for people at a higher power to do,” she said. “I’m sure he’s a nice young man.”

As ESPN Radio’s Jason Smith already pointed out this evening, it’s pretty magnanimous of Tosetti to say to the Giants “call me for anything else.” What, they’re gonna fly her in for Noah Lowry Bobblehead Day?

Likewise, if she’s sure Barry’s “a nice young man”, it stands to reason she’s not met him.

It really sucks, by the way, when a respected publication like USA Today starts imitating Yard Work. There’s a time and a place for satire, and it isn’t when I’m trying to check out of the Doubletree.