From the AP :

A man who was denied a red nylon tote bag during a Mother’s Day promotion at an Angels baseball game has filed a sex and age discrimination lawsuit against the team.

The class action claim filed by Michael Cohn, a Los Angeles psychologist, alleges that thousands of males and fans under age 18 are entitled to $4,000 in damages each because they were treated unequally at last May’s promotion. Women over 18 received the gifts.

Angel officials said Cohn was the only person who complained about the giveaway and that the team is proud of its promotions.

“Historically, we have tried to appeal on those special days that might be nationally noted holidays or special occasions,” team spokesman Tim Mead said, adding he could not comment directly on the suit because he hadn’t seen it. “We have tailored programs or giveaways accordingly.”

The team responded to a complaint letter that Cohn wrote last June by sending him four tote bags and a letter stating the team “ran out of the item that day and had to order more.”

“They claimed they didn’t have any more bags, but my client said there was a mountain of bags stacked so high a show dog couldn’t have jumped over them,” said Alfred Rava, Cohn’s San Diego-based attorney.

I think fans of dog shows are associated with enough negative stereotypes as is, thanks.

The LA Times’ Dave McKibben has more on this fascinating story :
This year’s Family Sunday promotion, to be held this weekend, will not specifically cater to women 18 and older. The first 25,000 fans ” male or female ” 18 or older will be given a red “Mother’s Day Ladies Tote Bag.”

Mead declined to say whether the change to this year’s promotion was made in response to Cohn’s complaint.

“It was done after a lot of internal discussions,” he said.

Rava said the giveaway still violated some fans’ civil rights because those under 18 will be denied a bag based on their age.

“By looking at the bag, you can see a 17-year-old male or female would be just as happy with it as an 18-year-old male or female,” Rava said. “I don’t know why the Angels and Bryman College had a seemingly contrived cutoff for this ageless bag.”

In the unlikely event there are any 17 year olds of either gender who are upset at not receiving this flimsy item, surely the Angels can think of a creative way to avoid further litigation. Perhaps an opportunity to sample the contents of another sort of bag with Halos microphone fiend Rex Hudler, a broadcaster so verbose, he’ll have you wondering when Bill Walton took up calling baseball games?