…or at least that’s the implication from weekend press reports surrounding Hull City’s 2-0, F.A. Cup Fourth Round victory over Millwall on Saturday, a match that featured scenes one police official described as “like going back 10 years.”  Lions chairman Heather Rabbatts issued the following statement Monday, stressing that not all Millwall fans are likely to kick your head in.  Others would prefer to put a brick through your car’s windshield.

“The reality of the situation is that we have a core of around four or five hundred travelling fans who follow the team up and down the country week-in week-out causing no problems whatsoever.

“These people will now be identified by other clubs and police forces as potential trouble makers and treated accordingly, whilst the real culprits will not be at Hereford on Tuesday night for example.

“We, at Millwall, will continue to take responsibility for doing everything in our power to rid ourselves of a criminal element which clearly sees big games involving our club as an opportunity to indulge in anti-social behaviour.

“Saying that these are not genuine Millwall fans is not ducking the issue because clearly those who support the team regularly know what damage incidents such as Saturday’s do to the club and are as dismayed by and condemnatory of these events as the rest of us.

“What is even more vital now, is that everyone working in football wakes up to the fact that there is still an anti-social hooligan element in our society which continues to be attracted to football as a vehicle for their activities.’