Not only is Darby Crash fan no. 1 John Molori fully behind Fox’s decision to fire baseball color commentator Steve Lyons, but he takes particularly interest in one of the sacked announcer’s more ardent defenders.
Saying such things on national television in front of millions of viewers is as ignorant as it is repugnant. Times have changed and broadcasters have to adjust to these changes whether they like them or not.
Simply put, Lyons should not have gone there. His words were not funny, entertaining or informative. They added nothing and were completely irrelevant to the game and the situation. Lyons™ brief history of past missteps should have made him all the wiser.
Much of the local reaction to Lyons™ firing was predictable. WEEI morning host Gerry Callahan (above) went on a tirade against Fox in his October 17 Boston Herald column.
Callahan stated, œEven if Steve Lyons meant it the way his bosses at Fox allegedly took it – Watch your wallet around the Spanish-speaking guy – it would have been just another crude joke on a network that cranks them out the way Spike TV cranks out car crashes.
So Callahan considers racial insensitivity œjust another crude joke. I think that sheds a ton of light on where he is on the social development chain. I™m thinking it™s somewhere between Archie Bunker and David Duke.
Of course, Callahan™s comments are about as shocking as finding wicker at a Christmas Tree Shop. He consistently spews questionable viewpoints toward minorities, homosexuals, even people with tattoos.
Callahan™s brand of racism on radio most often goes unpunished. He receives little or no admonition thanks to his faithful enablers, namely program chief Jason Wolfe, GM Julie Kahn and Entercom Radio™s high priced lawyers. Media Blitz attempted to create a dialogue with Wolfe weeks ago, but a call has still gone unanswered.
Callahan expressed dismay that Lyons™ words were a œfireable offense. Of course he did. He works at WEEI, a place where it™s seemingly OK to insult and offend any group as long as the ratings are soaring. WEEI is not the real world. Out here, if you make racially insulting remarks, you may have to face consequences.
wow, simply wow.. Instead of this blog entry you could have just writen “bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch”. Get over yourself.
God, I wish we could back to the days of the thick skinned American. Instead we get this everyone is special and needs to be protected crap.
Weak libreals like yourself are destroying everything great about this country.
the “blog entry”, as you put it, is excepted from John Molori’s MediaBlitz column for Boston Sports You might want to take it up with him.
I’m not sure if you’re calling Molori or myself a “weak libreal” (sic), but I believe John’s freedom to call out a bigoted bully like Gerry Callahan is exactly what makes this country
greata tolerable place to live.Dr. Michael Savage disagrees.