Poland 0, Ecuador 1 (59 minutes elapsed, Carlos Tenorio scored in the 24th minute)

(Giovanny Espinoza, right, demonstrating that it isn’t really a foul as long as no one takes a photograph)

Early in the first half, Adrian Healey helpfully compared Poland’s track record on the big stage with Gonzaga making the Final Four. Pick your own Adam Morrison / mustache joke.

After pointing out that Poland is roughly the size of New Mexico, the effervescent banter between Healey and the always excruciating Tommy Smyth simply bubbled over.

Healey : I’ve got another fact for you, Tommy. Did you know the first oil well in the world was drilled by a Pole?

Smyth : Funny, I thought it was drilled by a bit.

Gary Cohen and Keith Hernandez, eat your fucking hearts out.