Last seen in this space as a nationally recognized expert on football-related concussions, Chris Nowinski, aka Chris Harvard from MTV’s “Tough Enough” takes a rather dim view of Linda McMahon disavowing any responsibility for the recent death of WWE performer Lance Cade. The New Haven Advocate’s John Stoehr, while not specifically accusing McMahon and husband Vince of encouraging Cade’s PED use, finds the local press’ silence on the subject somewhat confusing.
As of presstime, no Connecticut media has reported on Lance McNaught’s death (his stage name was Lance Cade). Only the national media has so far questioned how McNaught, who may have died from steroid use, is the latest in a growing list of fatalities linked to McMahon.
Death seems to be a recurring theme in the œsoap opera that is WWE, according to McMahon. The night before Connecticut Republicans decided McMahon was their candidate, she told a reporter for ABC’s “Nightline”, on Aug. 9, that voters “don’t care about such storylines.”
“They are concerned about the issues of the day,” she said.
That’s indisputably true.
What’s also true is that people come back to life in soap operas. In real life, they don’t. Voters deserve to know how she treated employees and Connecticut’s media, working for those most invested in her campaign, should be asking the toughest questions. So far, they haven’t.
Can stop the politics.
This host is the biggest douche of all the times.
This is an absurd comparison. Franken went to Harvard and was a Math Geek. He is a policy wonk and shows intellectual acumen. His long time friend-mentor is Norm Orenstein from AEI. He also did 4 USO tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Back in the 80’s the McMahon’s had their orginization exempted from having any type of governing body like Football or Boxing by calling it entertainment. If any of us ran a business the way McMahon ran WWE with everything from workplace safety violations to withheld video royalies to dead drug addeled employees we would be fined or there would be serious jail time.