Saying “I’m tired of hearing my name in trades” (who isn’t?), Shawn Marion tells the Arizona Republic’s Paul Coro, “I love my fans in Phoenix but I think it’s time for me to move on.”

Marion, the highest paid Suns player, has two years remaining on his maximum-level contract – $16.4 million for this year and a $17.8 million salary if he did not opt out before the 2008-09 season. He said the Suns’ unwillingness to extend his deal is “only a part of why” he wants to leave but would not confirm that he has asked for a three-year, $60 million extension, saying, “The numbers aren’t important.”

here are two known trade suitors in the Utah Jazz (for Andrei Kirilenko, if not others) and the Los Angeles Lakers (for Lamar Odom and a teammate), with Marion showing an interest in the latter because of a friendship with Kobe Bryant.

“Regardless of everything that went on with the extension, I’m tired of hearing my name in trade rumors,” Marion said. “It’s time for me to move on. I felt like they tried to force my hand to Boston with the (Kevin) Garnett stuff.”

I haven’t done anything wrong,” said Marion, a four-time All-Star. “I leave it on the floor night in and night out. Sometimes, it’s just time, and it’s time to go. “It’s been like a nightmare. It hurts me making this phone call. It’s hurting me in my stomach.”

Marion said he has no problem with any of his teammates but did not want to comment on the Suns staffers, saying, “It’s just a bad marriage. I’m not talking about anyone. It’s just time for me to go.”

While the situation has cleared come to a head, if anyone can explain to me how adding AK-47 or Odom while subtracting Marion would make Phoenix a better team, I’d love to be educated.

I realize he’s not making the really big money yet, but you’d think the Lakers’ Andrew Bynum could spring for broadband. The Lakers’ 19 year old center claims no knowledge of Kobe’s infamous parking lot video, telling the Press-Enterprise’s Broadrick Turner, “”Really. I never heard that. It’s not a big deal to me, really. It sounds like a frustrated veteran saying something because things didn’t go right last season. But who wouldn’t want Jason Kidd?”