David Stern’s sartorial tyranny extends beyond the NBA’s playing ranks, with a new edict outlined by the Orlando Sentinel’s Josh Robbins :

The league has instituted a new dress code for coaches this year, requiring them to wear collared shirts during games.

Magic coach Stan Van Gundy ” perhaps the biggest fan of mock turtlenecks in Central Florida ” abided by the rule Tuesday night. Van Gundy wore a black, short-sleeve polo shirt under a gray blazer and dark pleated pants. He wore the same outfit on occasion last year.

“I’ve got to have a collar on every shirt,” he said, a smile on his face. “I don’t think that’s onerous by any means.”

Previously, Van Gundy had told USA Today he’d like to have the rule named after him.  All kidding aside, there’s something rather strange about the NBA’s coaching fraternity being held to a different standard than non-uniformed players for a whole half decade.