The Independent’s Sadie Gray reported Friday on the case of Derek Williams, a professional Sven-Goran Eriksson impersonator not satisfied with photo opportunities like the one above.

Derek Williams, flanked by two glamour girls, was given a tour of Universidad Nacional’s stadium before issuing a statement to journalists and posing for photographs. The 56-year-old actor, of Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, advertises himself on his website as a “Svenalike”. He arranged his visit on Wednesday by sending the first division club fake documents purporting to be from the Mexican football federation. The real Eriksson was named as the new Mexico coach in June after being sacked by Manchester City.

Mexican officials have since warned all clubs to be on their guard should the imposter strike again. “The real Eriksson is in the US at the moment and the character who has been claiming to be him is just a ringer,” the federation said in a statement, adding that Mr Williams had shown a “total lack of respect”.

I’ve got to admit, I had a hard time imagining one could make much of a living working as a doppelganger for the former England/Manchester City manager. But there’s no accounting for taste.