Scott Comeau forwards us the following correspondence from Chicago Cubs Director of Ticket Operations, Frank Maloney.
Dear Mr. Comeau,
Although the on field performance was disappointing, the 2005 season was memorable with an attendance of 3.1 million, the Red Sox series and even Jimmy Buffett concerts. Hopefully the 2006 season will be more exciting with a return to post season play.
We hope you will reserve your season tickets for the 2006 season by returning the enclosed renewal form to us by mail or fax by December 15. A deposit is not required at this time but payment in full is due by January 16, 2006. Please respond by December 15 to avoid having your seats offered to those on our waiting list.
So there you have it. No word yet on Juan Pierre, but Cubs fans can hold out hope for an encore performance by Jimmy Buffett.
Cheezburgers in Paradise. Says it all about those lamely loveable Northsiders….
Leave the Cubs fans alone. If you think you could cope with the pressures of making partner at the firm without blowing off a little non-threatening steam now and then, good for you. At least they don’t lock the doors of their Escalades when they see Ronnie Woo-Woo coming. Usually.