Last night’s complete game from Carl Pavano (pictured, W, 11-6, 9IP, 7H, 2R, 6K, 0BB 3.48) put the Twins up 3-2, handing the Sox their second loss in a row, an occurence not seen since early June.
Yet, the Sox lead in the division grew to a game and a half with the second-place Tigers loss to Cleveland, the latter squad still working out their frustrations at losing the great Harvey Pekar last week.
Mark Buehrle (L, 8-8, 8IP, 9H, 3R, 3K, 0BB, 4.18) whose characteristic pace meshed with Pavano’s to bring the game in at 1 hour 52 minutes, picked off both Denard Span and Delmon Young at first, reddening Twins skipper Burl Ives noticeably.
South Side concerns going forward include the 0-4 Carlos Quentin and his recent HBP hand injury as well as a recent tendency for Paul Konerko to bite hard at away changups. The campign for the series split begins this afternoon with Freddy Garcia (9-3) vs Nick Blackburn (7-7).

Last night’s complete game from RHP Carl Pavano (pictured, W, 11-6, 9IP, 7H, 2R, 6K, 0BB 3.48) put the Twins up 3-2, handing the Sox their second loss in a row, an occurence not seen since early June.

Yet, the Sox lead in the division grew to a game and a half with the second-place Tigers loss to Cleveland, the latter squad still working out their frustrations at losing the great Harvey Pekar last week.

Mark Buehrle (L, 8-8, 8IP, 9H, 3R, 3K, 0BB, 4.18) whose characteristic pace meshed with Pavano’s to bring the game in at 1 hour 52 minutes, picked off both Denard Span and Delmon Young at first, reddening Twins skipper Burl Ives noticeably.

South Side concerns going forward include the 0-4 Carlos Quentin and his recent HBP hand injury as well as a recent tendency for Paul Konerko to bite hard at away changups. The campaign for the series split begins this afternoon with Sweaty Freddy Garcia (9-3) vs. the comparatively moisture-free Nick Blackburn (7-7).