Though persons who actually enjoy professional basketball are more consumed this morning with talk of His Dirkness’ otherworldly performance against the Suns last night, or the build up for tonight’s Pistons/Heat Game 6, here at CSTB, there’s only one hoops story of note this Friday morning : the NBA might still have Jackie Christie to kick around.

From Real :

At age 36, the defensive-minded Doug Christie is contemplating an NBA comeback and has been working hard to get back into game shape.

“Right now I™m just working out and making sure that I just stay in shape and I™m going to weigh the options as the season approaches and see what happens,” Christie told RealGM Radio. “I™m feeling pretty good, a lot better that I did than the last time I was out on the court and I™m just trying to make sure that when I step out on the court that I can play the way that I want to play.”

While some in the Detroit area are resorting to prayer in the hopes of overcoming Shaq & Flash, full credit to the one guy in Miami who realizes that sometimes the good guys don’t wear white.

You’ve probably seen the slow-mo replay of the Suns’ Tim Thomas trying to pucker up to the Dirkster last night. The Arizona Republic’s Paola Bolvin explains.

The Suns had better clear their heads if they hope to thrive in Game 6. They seemed uncharacteristically rattled by the Mavericks. At one point, Thomas and Dirk Nowitzki got into it and Thomas ended the exchange by blowing him a kiss.

“I was just trying to take the ball from him,” Thomas said. “I’ve never seen Dirk trying to talk so much. Where I’m from, if I got punked by him, I’d never be able to go back. That was definitely not going to happen.

“He’s a hell of a basketball player. Man to man, though, I wasn’t going to let that happen.”

The New York Post’s Peter Vescey has had just about enough of Larry Brown’s version of kerb crawling.

Here is a man who has earned countless millions of dollars while coaching countless millions of teams over the past three decades; a man who has high-tailed it out of millions of towns and left Lurch in a lurch; a man who has sent out resumes apropos his next payday on his employer-for-that-moment’s stationery; a man who has brokered buyouts or bye-bye outs en route to conjuring up another paradise to kiss goodbye.

Yet here he is crying on the hard shoulder on a daily basis and portraying himself as a victim.

And getting away with it!

I guess the gang of roving reporters is so relieved the Greenburgh police haven’t made any arrests and pleased as punch the Knicks’ outgoing coach is granting drive-by interviews he’s allowed to represent any way he wants.