This report should do irrepairable damage to Mark Sweeney’s Hall Of Fame chances.
Hard to say which is more distasteful — the notion the Sultan Of Surly ratted out a teammate (misty watercolored memories of Raffy blaming Miguel Tejada) or MLB’s very loose definition of confidential test results.
There’s another Daily News report this morning that claims the Giants seek to restrict Bonds’ vast entourage from having full access to the SF clubhouse, presumably so no innocent private citizens run the risk of ingesting anything Mark Sweeney might push on them.
Besides, are we really supposed to believe a great dude like the Sultan has to pay people to hang out with him?
Mark Sweeney, surely.
let’s leave Matt Sweeney out of this.
I didn’t realize Barry associated with any of his teammates, much less a white guy.
Besides hoping that this this did not have any effect on Tim Worrell’s retirement, let us pray that all consumers of “greenies” over the decades shall not need to have their records expunged or have their hall credentials revoked. I can only imagine the outcry once Mickey Mantle gets the boot: that would truly be “bad for baseball”.
But the big question here goes unanswered: does he still get to keep the massage chair in front of his cubicle? Magic fingers, indeed.