Roanoke, VA, as it turns out. The former NC Wolfpack / Atlanta Hawks PG started for the NBDL’s Dazzle last night in place of the injured Will Bynum and scored 24 points in Roanoke’s season-opening 101-95 loss to Fort Worth. .’s broadband highlights feature frequent commericals for the Season One DVD of “The White Shadow”, and I can’t help but wonder if the Knicks ought to take a flyer on Carver High’s Otis Thorpe (first row above, second from left) at point guard. Perhaps a couple of weeks assignment with the Fayetteville Patriots is just what Thorpe needs to get into NBA shape? Presumably Jerome James will need a longer stay.

The Patriots are currently leading Ft. Worth, 56-52 with the first half nearly over in the former’s home opener. Former Kentucky F Erik Daniels, aka E-Diddy, didn’t make Sacramento’s roster this fall, but has 12 points and 9 rebounds thus far. Longtime D League vet Mike King has 23 points on 11 for 14 shooting for Fayetteville.