The same day his paper published a gruesome overview of the Marlins’ financial situation, the Miami Herald’s Greg Cote quizzed club president / Accu-Jack enthusiast David Samson about the overwhelming badwill he and owner Jeffrey Loria have generated in the community.  Calling the diminutive exec, “a loyal lieutenant to his boss and former stepfather,” Cote  adds, “he also personifies the disconnect continuing. The tone-deafness.”

“That is the No. 1 thing that makes me the sorriest and the saddest,” Samson said. “That means someone is not going to make a memory with their parent or child or client just because of me or Jeffrey. I think about it every day and it ruins my day every day. Try to look past that. Jeffrey cares. He really cares. He’s misunderstood. What he cares about is winning.”

Samson plows forward, unable to hear how he sounds, unable to hear that his conciliatory words are incongruous, and drowned out by the scoffs of distrusting fans who feel betrayed.

“I and we are amazingly and incredibly and heartfelt-sorry for how it all went down,” he said. “I just want people to come to games and enjoy baseball again. People are upset and angry and rightfully so, but I hope they will try to look past that and just enjoy a baseball game.”

It’s as if it is a pure coincidence that people are upset and angry directly related to what Loria has done. Samson and Loria advising fans to look past their anger and “enjoy baseball again” is something like the man who robbed your house telling you to enjoy your safety and peace of mind again.

Might Gioncarlo Stanton even be traded this season?

“I don’t know,” Samson said. The pause grew, and grew awkward. “I would say very unlikely,” he filled it in.