As noted in this space and many others, GOP Presidential hopeful Senator Ted Cruz entered the culture wars last week with a Hillary Clinton-bashing TV commercial that appropriate a much beloved-scene from Mike Judge’s “Office Space” and a rather inelegant reworking of the Geto Boys’ “Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta”. Responding to those who think this somehow pushes the Houston trio into some coveted modern dialogue, the group’s Willie D. (above, middle) begs to differ :

Interesting how many of Ted Cruz’s supporters say we should be glad that he used our music to parody the Office Space movie scene because “At least people are talking about the Geto Boys.” Let me explain something to y’all. People are always talking about the Geto Boys. Just because you don’t know doesn’t mean it’s not so. Additionally, good music has a way of finding new listeners, even if it takes a lifetime (I was 25 when I discovered James Taylor, and 40 when I got hipped to Joe Sample). While I’m always humbled by any interest in mine or the group’s music, I’m not so desperate for attention that I want my music to be associated with the devil’s advocate. Maybe that works for you but not me. Being happy that Ted Cruz is parodying my music, which speaks for the underprivileged, underserved, and underrepresented, is like a mugging victim being happy that the mugger filmed him or her being struck in the face, and uploaded it to social media for entertainment, because at least now everybody knows who they are.

Keep your press. We’re the Geto Boys. On the strength of our catalogue and loyal fans our name, and music will live much longer than Ted Cruz and any microwave publicity he garners due to running for POTUS. We don’t need Ted Cruz or his supporters to be relevant. If you think we should be grateful because dude used our music or you’ve never heard of us, that says more about your inadequacy than it does about our importance. GBeeeee!