Cardinals 5, Tigers 4 (Cardinals lead the series, 3-1)

(still The Only Wainwright That Matters)

Commercials This World Series Featuring Jay-Z : 2
Commericals This World Series Featuring Baseball Players : 0

Sean Casey : Likes Will Clark, Dave Mattthews, the bible and professional wrestling. And there I was, thinking I’d have nothing in common with him.

Fernando Rodney : Not entirely his fault, writes Benny Anderrson. Curtis Granderson had a Curt Flood moment on a cheap double by the World’s Scrappiest Human, and no holdout was required.

Preston Wilson : a great sliding catch to rob Craig Monroe in the 7th. Sales of Cardinals doo-rags just skyrocketed.

Mags : Would be a difference maker in this series if Ozzie G. wasn’t sticking pins in his eyes.

Curtis Granderson : badly frozen by an Adam Wainright breaking ball in the top of the 8th, stranding Brandon Inge on 2nd. Carlos Beltran says you’ve got to swing at that pitch.

The World’s Scrapiest Human : They’re engraving his name on an MVP trophy. In Munchkinland.

Joel Zumaya : I keep hearing that he’s holding onto the ball for too long, and I beg to differ. The trouble is that he’s letting go of it at all.

Thank god Fox gave us a shot of Mookie Wilson in the stands. See, they do allow persons who aren’t white to attend games at Busch Stadium.

I don’t know if misidentifying Craig Monroe as Preston Wilson is considered a fireable offense at Fox Sports, but in the spirit of fairness, Tim McCarver gets that call right at least 3 quarters of the time.

On a night in which Pudge & Sean Casey combined for 6 hits, you’d think the Tigers would be out of the woods. But I’m not quite ready to award the silverware to La Genius’ 83 Win Wonders (good thing, too, as security would probably beat the living hell out of me). A Game 5 gem courtesy of Justin Verlander, and all Detroit needs to muster is two more consecutive wins in that cavernous ballpark they call home (with the Smudge on the hill in Game 6). And Chris Carpenter’s no sure thing away from Busch.