Former Buffalo resident and admitted OJ Simpson acolyte Kevin Cadle has fashioned quite a career for himself since moving to the UK in the early ’80’s. The former London Towers coach has been a fixture on Sky Sports’ NFL and NBA broadcasts and would’ve long ago been characterized as “the Black Fran Healy”, if anyone over there knew who the Franster was.

Most recently, Cadle flashed some powerful comedic chops in a Budweiser commercial in which he plays the part of a soccer coach, presumably of a lug-headed US squad preparing for this summer’s World Cup.

“Now don’t go replacing players with substitutes, surely you need to replace your offense with your defense. Jet packs on ball boys — now that would be cool. Forget the chanting — hollerin’ “get in the goal hole!”….way better. And, what’s with those names? Aren’t Wildcats, Cherokees and Raiders better than Rovers, Cities and Wanderers?”