while we’re ringing the bell ten times for Jay Briscoe, let’s maybe also considering paying Sade to sing something besides the phone book given she has such a great existing repertoire. When was the last time anyone dropped off the white or yellow pages anyway (and by no longer doing so, is someone trying to mess with Sade’s earning power because if that’s the case, it strikes me as especially petty).

DJPC – Techno Inferno (Dino ‘Blade’ NYC Remix)
Topdown Dialectic – A2 from ’s/t’
UAN0022 – Wavelet 002
Kit Clayton – Track 1 (from ‘Shortwave Radio’)
Senking – Cups
Reverse Winchester – Up South Was Not Vermont
Chris Brokaw – Slaughterhouse 4444
Diminished Men – The Maze
Territorial Gobbing – Don’t Look Through The Window
Madam Data – Corporate Queers
Violin – Chaos At The Seance
Axe Rash – False Pictures
Steel Pole Bathtub – This Town
The Vertebrats – Left In The Dark
Cast Of Thousands – New Band In Town
Dippers – Drift Space
Tim Daisy / Erez Dessel – Luminous
Luther Thomas & Human Arts Ensemble – Una New York