when I was growing up, calls for firearm regulation were often met with the reply, “if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” Looking back on this piece of logic, no one would want to live in a society where the men responsible for “Green Grass & High Tides” were toting guns, however it doesn’t seem as though it would be very difficult to keep an eye on them (even with all the lineup changes). I’m not sure I understand why it would make more sense to expect educators to arm themselves versus a) outlawing guns, b) keeping The Outlaws and all spinoffs (“The New Outlaws”, “The Original Outlaws”, “Henry Paul’s Outlaws”, Blackhawk etc.) under surveillance, but if I spend any more time on Twitter today, someone is absolutely going to explain it to me.

I couldn’t find any good recent photos of Henry Paul that weren’t watermarked, so here’s one of Psycodrama instead.

Tegnone – Clickin Anna Got Me
Michael Berdan – Gravedancer
Doxa Sinistra – No Car, No Job
Mark Grusane – Dance Intensity
Citizen Kane- Blackrain
Holy Tongue – Spirit Mask
Azu Tiwaline & Al Wooten – Blue Dub
Warm Currency – Winter Advertisement
Anna Savage – Queens Rd.
Dorothy Carlos – Apparition
Bridget Ferrill – Viola De Gamba
Zach Rowden – Between Chirping and Breaking
Aaron Dilloway – Blues Studies (For Tom Smith)
Baron Saturday – You No Longer Know Where To Commit Yourself
Blod – En Sâ till Africa
Roy Montgomery – Departing The Body
Fennesz – A Year In A Minute
Les Rallies Dénudés – The Last One
Blues Ambush – Wide Open Road
Fatima Mansions – Blues For Ceausescu