From the Worked Feuds category this morning, we have Bob Glauber unimpressed with Newsday colleague Neil Best logging 18 blog entries in one day, an achievement that Glauber characterizes as “insane”.

To be in position to blog so prolifically requires one to stay indoors for huge amounts of time, and Best confirmed in a phone conversation this morning that the furthest he got during yesterday’s record-setting performance was his driveway. I did not ask, nor did he divulge, whether he showered and dressed at any point during the day. He also admits that he often goes days without crossing the border of the town in which he lives. And he conceded the highlight of his day yesterday was getting a link to his column on

We fear, therefore, that Best is quickly descending into the “house-bound agoraphobe” that we used to hear about – ironically enough, with the old WFAN follow-up to the Imus-In-The-Morning program, the former radio personality Best has essentially built his blogosphere around.

Best is also reduced to bragging about the massive amount of hits he’s been getting, and give him credit. He’s created a nice niche here. He has also challenged me to a hits duel, which I welcome in the coming months.

Then again, how do I stand a chance when I actually have to leave my house to report on the Jets, Giants and NFL?

I know there are old-timers who claim Newsday isn’t nearly the paper it once was, but I don’t recall Jimmy Breslin ever speculating whether or not Marvin Kitman got dressed that day.