Tom Glavine returns from the DL tonight at Ken Lay Memorial Field, and the Mets’ trio of games with the Astos mark the Carlos Beltran’s 2nd trip to Houston since leaving the club in 2005. New York’s CF was treated harshly on his last visit, and suggests to Newsday’s David Lennon that despite his lavish salary, he’s due some free swag from his former club.

In talking about the playoffs earlier this week, Beltran suddenly brought up that the Astros never sent him the video from the 2004 postseason, which is when he almost carried them to the World Series. Beltran said that he had contacted the team, but didn’t get a response — or the DVDs.

“I don’t even have the videos,” Beltran said. “I called Houston to send me the copies and they never sent anything. They were so mad that I left.”

I hate to bring this up, but I signed for the package when Carlos was on the road. Fuckin’ Astros just sent a compilation of Lance Berkman’s flag football highlights.

Crosstown Rivals’ Schuyla would like to see Wilpon TV mimmick YES’ Yankee-centric focus.

Inexplicably, the SNY crew opted to generate a New York Sports Network. It exists. It’s called ESPN. No network will ever be able to cut into the ESPN SportsCenter market share, especially with inferior talent that would make the SportsCenter weekend crew look like Keith Olbermann and Dan Patrick at their primes.

The Mets Network decided they should cover the Yankees. And keep the Mets out of the name. I watch YES occasionally, and don’t see anyone mention the Mets.

However, on shows like Daily News Live, A-Rod’s struggles are the lead story. Why? If I want to watch coverage that is unbiased, I’ll go to Fox News! Tell me about the Mets!

As a die-hard Mets fan, I would love nothing more than Metsographies or talk shows that somehow don’t make the Yankees seem like a superior ballclub.

But from the SNY crew, that seems to be too much to ask. The staff hired appears to be a bunch of SportsCenter wannabes and one SportsCenter has-been (Steve Berthiaume). Why?

Why did I watch a SportsNite and find Kenny Choi pronouncing Chris Coste’s last name Cah-stee for an entire episode? The worst part is that it meant he wasn’t watching the game. Or at least he wasn’t listening to it.

In the interests of fairness, it should be pointed out that SNY has brought the delights of the Canadian Football League into my home, albiet on a tape delayed basis. And with Fran Healy’s Cablevision pact running out soon, perhaps Schuyla’s wish will be granted, and the former Mets play-by-play master of the malaprop can host a hybrd of “Centerstage” and the original “Saturday Night Live” with Howard Cosell.