Via diminutive accujack enthusiast David Samson, the Twittering of Marlins OF Logan Morrison has already come under club scrutiny, but it took Morrison’s reaction to the firing of hitting coach John Mallee for management to finally say (in so many words), STFU.   From the Palm Beach Post’s Tom D’Angelo :

Morrison said he was told he can’t “point fingers at the owner, stuff like that,” after he said it was not “right” and not “just” that Mallee was dismissed last Wednesday.

“I was like, ‘OK,’ ‘ Morrison said about the conversation. “I don’t quite fully understand that because I didn’t really say it in a negative way. I might have been written that way, I don’t know. I was asked a question, I told the truth. But I guess I don’t do that anymore.”

Owner Jeffrey Loria also spoke to Morrison, but Morrison said Loria is cool.

“He’s not really mad,” Morrison said.

On the night of Mallee’s firing Morrison also hinted the front office was putting pressure on the players. “Everybody has their finger on the panic button. It’s hard to relax and play baseball,” he said.