Pending a vote by the Miami-Dade County Board Of County Commissioners, West Miami’s Jose Canseco Street might be re-dedicated to a less controversial luminary writes the Miami Herald’s Charles Rabin. Luther Campbell Crossing, anyone?
Commissioner Joe Martinez placed the item on the Governmental Operations and Environment Committee agenda because, he said, he was upset with Canseco writing a book and making money from outing ballplayers who used steroids.
Canseco’s name actually adorned Southwest 16th Street from 87th Avenue to 107th Avenue. But a decade ago commissioners heeded a request from Commissioner Javier Souto that his name be removed from his district.
Now Martinez wants it gone from 102nd to 107th Avenue along 16th Street, in his district. Committee members approved the resolution unanimously Tuesday.
”I commend Commissioner Martinez,” said Committee Chairwoman Natacha Seijas. “It should have been done a long time ago.”
Of course. Miami has a squeaky-clean image to maintain.
Please tell me they’re renaming it Ray Lewis Blvd.