Mets 6, Dodgers 4 (last of the 8th)
A : “Tough Fuckin’ Shift”
In their first postseason game, Carlos D. and David Wright have combined to go 6 for 8 with 5 runs driven in.
As Spiffy Steve Phillips observed about a half hour ago, the Dodgers really could’ve used a lefty out of the pen.
ESPN cut into the top of the 8th (OK, they didn’t miss any pitches) to show Joe Morgan, arriving at Yankee Stadium via limo. Because the entire country was on the edge of their seats, praying Lil’ Joe would reach the Bronx safely. Tempting as it might be to characterize Morgan hitting the booth for both New York games today a cheap gimmick, it’s not as though we’ve not benefitted in some way. For instance, how often do you get to watch a playoff game and catch up with what’s happening in Tim Robbins’ career?
The New York Times’ James G. Robinson, while live blogging today’s action, grumbles,
ESPN talking heads are announcing Buck Showalter™s firing as if it were Donald Rumsfeld™s. Seriously, does anyone watching this game care about the Rangers?
If you consider the outside chance than ESPN’s viewship includes persons who don’t live in NYC or LA and/or have a passing interest in baseball, then fuck, yeah, I do think someone might care. And the occasional repeat of the day’s headlines is hardly overkill. I’m not sure why someone watching the game would be interested in Robinson’s rather flat recitation of each play, but considering said blogging generates substantially less discussion than the slowest day over at BTF’s Game Chatter, perhaps he’s no expert in what the public is looking for.
There’s still plenty of time for Phil Mushnick’s newest colleague to ruin the afternoon.