Old-school Philadelphia Daily News columnist Bill Conlin cobbled together something foolish on TV last night, and Comcast SportsNet quickly buckled. From Philly’s NBC affiliate:

Conlin was reacting to someone named Raul from Vineland, N.J., who sent in an e-mail commenting on the Philadelphia Eagles.

Regarding a question posed to coach Andy Reid on Tuesday about quarterback Donovan McNabb’s shoulder injury, the question from Raul read aloud by the host was: “Are you serious? It was a stupid question. It’s tendonitis [sic]. Way to go Philly media. You guys do a great job over-analyzing everything.”

“Amazing that guy would leave the blueberry harvest to send that off,” Conlin said a short time later.

“OK, don’t mock the blueberry harvest, mister,” Michael Barkann replied.

Comcast SportsNet reacted to Conlin’s comments at the top of its 5 p.m. sportscast Wednesday.

“Columnist Bill Conlin made a remark that may have offended some of our viewers. His comments (do) not reflect the views of our network, and Bill issued the following statement: ‘The comment was not meant to be controversial and certainly not meant to disparage anyone.’ Bill will not be on air, pending further review,” anchor Neil Hartman read.