There’s not much I can add to elevate the dialogue about the Clippers’ impressive home win over Phoenix last night, but I’ve never let that stop me before :

1) Scottie Pippen was on the idiot box this morning suggesting that the MVP voters “recant” their choice of Steve Nash in favor of LeBron. If there’s any recanting going down today, I humbly submit it oughta be in favor of Elton Fucking Brand. He’s a monster on the boards and the reason his shooting percentage is up in the stratosphere is because Phoenix has no answer for him inside.

2) Little or no long range-shooting from the Clips means zero fast breakage for Nash & co.

3) re : The Canadian Anti-War Ambassador. He really looks like he could use 4 days off.

4) What’s with the four days off?

You’ve got to hand it to the Mavs’ Mark Cuban. Most other owners would look at the videotape evidence of their no. 2 scorer hitting a rival in the dick and accept the league’s punishment. Cuban, however, has a slightly more antagonistic take on things, as quoted by the Dallas Morning News’ Dale Hansen.

“Would we rather have Jason there? Of course,” Cuban said. “There’s not going to be one fan in there that doesn’t believe that we can kick their butt all the way back to that ugly-ass, muddy-watered thing they call a Riverwalk.”