From Peter Vescey in Sunday’s NY Post :
Jerry West’s physical health (he has lost nearly 25 pounds) and mental state of mind (the Grizzlies have him excited) influenced the Memphis president not to call it a career after this year. It also didn’t hurt, I suspect, that owner Michael Heisley showed the League Logo a lotta love by aggressively recruiting him to extend for two years for the princely price of (educated speculation) $7M per. Terms were not disclosed, but it’s believed that 70 percent is going directly to West’s agent, Col. Tom Parker.
By the way, word has it Larry Brown’s numbers are $11M per and that’s not counting every conceivable perk, including use of a helicopter or jet on demand.
The Nets and Knicks played last night at Bridgeport, Conn. To make this usually mundane preseason game more interesting, Lawrence Frankincense and Next Town Brown made a wager: Whichever coach won, former Connecticut Governor John Rowland would repair his house.