This past tuesday, Brexit architect / all-around shit bag Nigel Farage got hit in the face with a flying milkshake. Remarkably, this was only the second time in 5 years Farage has suffered an assault of this sort ; given his words and deeds, it’s somewhat amazing he’s not being pelted with shakes, malts, DQ blizzards and all forms of sticky/gooey substances on a daily basis. ??There’s not been any confirmation on what sort of shake landed on Farage however news reports about the 2019 attack suggest it was a Five Guys banana & salted caramel shake, which seems a little extravagant under the circumstances.

This week’s show delves into the burning question, if you had an opportunity to drench a universally despised public figure in the soft-serve concoction of your choice, what would it be? Answers like “mint chocolate chip nail bomb” or “frozen Liquid Plumber” will not be accepted because these are not real things.

Afflicted Man – Glue Sniffing
Shit and Shine – Stolen
UAN 0020 – On Initial Conditions
sideproject – cannonposting
Beau Wanzer – Legendary Sweet Tooth Remix (Coffin Prick)
Cremation Lilly – Whisper Linger Like Smoke In A Locked Room?
Owen Gray – Ballistic Affair
Sillicone Values – Nothing Wrong With Me
Infinite Curses – Let The People
?XL Cyclops – Ashes
Mordecai – Transverse
Webb Crawford – Free of Heart Center
Bitter Wish – Side A of ‘Candle Finger’
Leo Chang and Lucie Vitkova – Y
Germ House – Under My Head
?Turner Williams Jr – Appuyer Sur Le Champignon